Energy dashboard problems with SENEC.Home P4

The Home P4 is installed and seems to be running. As I said, I'm waiting for the sun to come out so that I can see how many kWh are going into the storage system. And then go out again when necessary. Everything is displayed perfectly in the SENEC iOS app, but the Home Assistant energy dashboard no longer works. This is because the P4 is not (yet) supported and therefore the generic Web API must be used.

Said and done. But nothing is displayed or the corresponding sensors cannot be selected in the dashboard configuration. After a bit of research, I found out that the reason is that the Web API only displays the values in kW. However, the dashboard would like to have these aggregated in kWh. So I did some more research and lo and behold: you "simply" (if you know how) create a helper instance for each value - a total integral sensor, right? This then collects the kW values for an hour and they become kWh. I left the metric prefix empty. At the beginning I had "k" (kilo) in there, but that resulted in kkWh. So too small by a factor of 1000. The time unit is hours, the input sensor is selected from the Web API and bang, you can integrate the new sensor. But it's not quite as quick as that, there has to be a certain history first. And then something happens again in the dashboard. Over the next few days, I will find out whether this is the case by comparing it with the iOS app and the values from the Web API. Another step forward.

3 thoughts on "Energy dashboard problems with SENEC.Home P4"

  1. Hello can you show detailed instructions on how this works with the integration? I can display the values but the energy dashboard does not run with the entities entered....

    1. Hello Bernd, have a look at my follow-up article. It is important that the values have the correct unit (Wh or better kWh). The conversion from W to Wh (or kW to kWh) is explained in the video linked there, it works with a helper (integral sensor).

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