Mission SENEC.Home P4 in the Home Assistant: completed.

Using the SENEC Web API and converting kW to kWh with helpers that convert the power curve using Integral worked. After about a full day, I was able to compare the curves in the Energy Dashboard and the SENEC iOS app. As both use the same database and the curves are identical, everything seems to have worked. I'm quite happy with that. Next, I'll see how I can get my geothermal heat pump into the dashboard as a consumer.

Oh yes, I often only find the best tips when everything is done. Is it the algorithm? Who really knows. In any case, here is one of the best tutorials on the energy dashboard that covers all the relevant aspects:

3 thoughts on "Mission SENEC.Home P4 in the Home Assistant: completed."

  1. Hello,
    when I create the integral sensor for battery balancing, I have the unit kWhh how can I get rid of the two h? I can't leave out the one day as with k (kilo)?

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