Fighting the Yoyo Effect, post Covid Thoughts

Getting older (I think it started after 30+), I found it more difficult staying in shape. Although I exercise regularly, there were always phases (let’s call that the yoyo effect) of gaining extra kilos and it became harder and harder to lose them again. For me, staying at a certain weight and staying fit is key for a fulfilling live. Why? When I add kilos, I have more pain, when I have pain, I’m getting mad at myself and others. Healthy body, healthy mind.

The entire Covid restrictions led to further difficulties in staying in form. Less contacts, less (outside) activities, getting more and more used to stay inside in front of your favourite streaming show.

While I made it to get back on track in terms of exercising, weight remained sort of an issue. Given my age, I went to the doctor for the typical health checks and they found that everything is ok. So it only could be my eating habits. While I try to eat „good“ food as often as I can, something was wrong here. Cutting it short: I called my osteopath who is also a good coach for other live situations. And here is what she came up with:

  • There have to be longer breaks between eating (4-6 hours). If you don’t do that, the body doesn’t really consume the intake and it ends up in additional body fat (there are experts explaining that in all detail, for example Lothar Ursinus in his book „Gesund und aktiv Stoffwechselprogramm“).
  • Breakfast can and should be with carbs (no devil, but needed as body fuel), then less carbs and more proteins in the subsequent meals during the day. Be careful which type of fat you have – there’s good and not so good fat.
  • In order to follow such a program over time and not falling back into the yoyo effect, key to success is cheat meals where you eat what you want. I also added extra exercise sessions after such moments (e.g. the next day) to compensate.

So far, I follow this program since 8 weeks and after a difficult time really not eating anything in between, I’m getting used to it, even when being on the road for fun or business. Keeping you posted how this goes on and looking forward to your thoughts.

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